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If your question isn't listed, contact us for a friendly chat.

What if I need to cancel my reservation?

Cancellations made within 7 days of booking arrival date incur a 100% cancellation fee. Cancellations made with more than 7 days notice incur an administration charge of 30% of total booking fee. We encourage our customers to purchase travel insurance to cover any unforeseen circumstances.

What time is check-in and check-out?

Check in is at 2pm and check out at 10am, unless otherwise arranged. Speak with us if you'd like to request early check-in or late check-out, and we'll do our best to accommodate you.

can i bring my pet?

Unfortunately we don't allow pets on our property, as neighbouring properties sometimes lay baits for foxes so we want to keep your pets safe. We hope you can make alternate arrangements for your beloved friend and enjoy a holiday pet-free.

How do i access the property?

Our cottage can be accessed off Clackline Road, through a secure locked gate. Before you arrive, we'll send you a unique lock box code to access the property.

how do i book?

Payment can be made direct through our booking system for stays over 2 nights, or alternatively contact David on 0419 221 212 for 1 night stays or any other questions. Payment can be made via credit card, direct bank deposit or cheque. A deposit is required to secure your booking, with full payment due prior to arrival.

do you have wifi?

Our cottage does not have wifi facilities, which is one of the very reasons many of our guests choose to visit. Feel free to bring your own, and you may have coverage dependent on your service provider.

what can i do in the area?

There is plenty to do on the property, as well as many local activities and attractions. Check out many of our recommended Things To Do.